Annual Marketing Plans: Work Smarter, Not Harder

What are you doing to market what your organization has to offer? Do you have a marketing plan outlining when you want to launch certain campaigns and a way to track whether your efforts are working? Or are you taking a more reactionary approach?  While reactionary marketing may seem like the easier route, we’re here […]

What is Google Analytics 4?

What is Google Analytics 4?

In our latest RPS webinar, we took a look at the newest Google Analytics property, Google Analytics 4. Check out the recording of the webinar and our recap below to learn more. In case you haven’t heard, Google Analytics is sunsetting the Universal Analytics (UA) property on July 1, 2023. The replacement is Google Analytics […]

Messaging: The Importance of Simplicity

Messaging: The Importance of Simplicity

What sets your brand apart from competitors? In a business environment that is ever-growing and very congested, it’s important to learn how to make your brand stand out above others. To make it through the clutter, you have to make it as easy as possible for your consumer. You have to quickly help them understand […]

Everybody Focus! What Goes on in a Focus Group?

what goes on in a focus group?

Focus groups are a great way for brands, businesses and organizations to collect consumer insight, but what exactly do they entail? What A focus group is a research method where a small group of strategically selected individuals participate in guided discussions to provide in-depth insight on consumer attitudes and opinions. Participants are usually providing feedback […]

Nothing Missing: Why The Puzzle Piece Isn’t Used in Autism Acceptance

It seems as we flip the calendar each month, there’s a new “awareness” month taking place. For example, September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, while in October our attention turns to Breast Cancer Awareness. In most cases, there is a symbol and a color associated with the topic to be aware of, such as the […]

Free & Cheap Marketing Tools Won’t Get You Very Far

cheap marketing tools

If you feel like the marketing industry is becoming more complex by the day, you’re not alone. It seems as if every day there is something new to explore, whether it’s a social media algorithm update or a new software to consider. Marketing your business is something that requires resources—your time and your money. In […]

Brand Consistency: Why You Need to Care About It

When you think of a business or nonprofit, one of the first things you probably think of in regard to the brand is its logo. However, branding runs much deeper than a logo. It’s true that the visual aspects of your brand make you stand out in the crowd, but branding encompasses so much more […]

Cookies, Cache, and History: How Your Internet Browser Retains Information

Ever wondered how a website seems to remember your previous visit the next time you click over to it? Yes, your internet browser does remember you and your internet surfing habits to an extent, and while it might seem like some sort of magic trick or even a little creepy, we promise it’s not. It […]

Website Accessibility: Creating a Smooth Experience for All Visitors

website accessibility

For years our team at Rock Paper Scissors has been creating websites for our clients, but the push for more user-friendly websites has increased exponentially over the last few years. Over the past decade or so, we’ve observed more rules, standards, and design guidelines come into play to help people of all abilities use websites […]
