Annual Planning + Ongoing Retainers.


The spark that ignites the fire that can’t be ignored.

Our approach to marketing is all about setting achievable goals. We set aside time to talk about your greatest strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats so we can set goals you’re excited about working toward. Our process also includes a dive into your current marketing efforts, so we know what is and isn’t working. We aim to build a plan that is effective and measures your progress so we can know when we need to adjust in order to reach your goals and feel more confident about your marketing choices.

How to Master your Marketing Potential with us:

In a world filled with marketing possibilities, it can be hard to stay focused. As your marketing partner, we are here to help you make confident choices.

Annual Marketing Plan

Your homebase for all things marketing and the firm foundation that all of our efforts will tie back to.

Monthly Marketing Retainers

Dedicated ongoing support and consultation for your everyday marketing needs.

Marketing Projects

Special projects for new ideas and opportunities that require more collaboration and support beyond the retainer.

Annual Marketing Plans

You wouldn’t build a house without a plan, so why approach marketing without one?

One of our favorite places to start with clients is our Annual Marketing Plan workshop. We do this with your target audiences in mind and make suggestions to help you clarify your message to reach your audience where they are. 

This workshop includes:

  • A S.W.O.T. analysis
  • Goal Development
  • Goal Actualization = Your game plan for the next 12 months

Marketing Support

Add more fuel to your marketing fire.

If you need reliable ongoing support to help you strike the right balance, we’ll work co-creatively to help you reach your goals. This could be us serving as your marketing department or supporting your in-house team with any skills they may not have through an ongoing retainer as well as special projects.

Ongoing Retainers can include:

  • Annual Report
  • Campaign Planning + Launch
  • Content Strategy Workshop
  • Focus Groups + Surveys
  • Directory Management
  • Marketing Standards
  • Meeting/Event Support
  • Messaging Workshop
  • PPC Campaign
  • Podcast Planning, Strategy + Booking
  • Presentation Support 
  • Quarterly Marketing Audit
  • Social Media Platform Set Up / Takeover
  • Training – Customized
  • Video
  • Video Standards Workshop
  • Website Maintenance
  • + Anything else you can dream up

Ready to talk about Marketing?