Inspiring Healthy Living: The RPS Shoe Program

To encourage our team to stay active, no matter where we are working, we have rolled out the RPS Shoe Program! We offer this program as a way to encourage our team to establish and maintain healthy habits because we know when we feel good it helps us perform our jobs at our best. Participating […]

Print is Not Dead

Print Is Not Dead: Engaging Audiences Outside the Digital World

Screen time has increased quite a bit over the last decade, and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with more people staying at home, screen time increased all the more rapidly. With this in mind, you may think print marketing and advertising is dead. However, that could not be further from the […]

What are Social Media Ads?

Social Media Ads

In our webinar “Grow & Engage: Using Pay-Per-Click and Social Media Ads to Reach Your Audience”, we shared how to grow and engage your audience using social media ads. Read on to learn what social media ads are, how they work, when to use them, and more. Social media ads are digital advertisements served to […]

What is Pay-Per-Click?

In our webinar “Grow & Engage: Using Pay-Per-Click and Social Media Ads to Reach Your Audience”, we discussed pay-per-click and social media ads as options to use to grow and engage your audience. Read on to learn what pay-per-click is, how it works, when you would use it, and more! Pay-per-click, or PPC, is an […]

Grow & Engage: Using Pay-Per-Click and Social Media Ads to Reach Your Audience

These days, it is easy to be overwhelmed with the choices for connecting with people when you need more leads. From advertising on Google to social media, Pandora, and more, there are many options and many salespeople saying they have THE thing and promising overnight success that it can be hard to know the best […]

You’re Cut!: Why Your Email Marketing Doesn’t Cut Through Inbox Clutter

Miss our latest webinar on email marketing? Read the full recap below, or scroll to the bottom of this post for the recording and to download our quick reference guide. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “email marketing is dead” you might want to think again. According to the 2019 Adobe Email Usage Study, Americans […]

Advertising: How to Build a Strategy to Get Results

advertising strategy webinar

Be sure to check out our ad strategy worksheet, available for download at the bottom of this post. Advertising may seem like it’s nothing more than eye-catching graphics and snappy slogans or taglines, but the truth is that’s just a small part of advertising. Advertising is a lot like an iceberg–you see what’s above the […]

Content Strategy: Taking the Difficulty Out of Planning Your Words

Content Strategy Webinar Recap Blog

In the past, we’ve shared the importance of having a plan in place when it comes to your marketing efforts. When you have a marketing plan, your entire team knows where you want to go and the steps you’ll take to get there. Plus, you’re more intentional with your efforts and you’re able to scale […]

Audience Profiles: Getting to Know Your Customers & Prospects BETTER

audience profiles

Check out our audience profiles worksheet available for download at the end of this post. A few months ago, we presented a webinar about getting feedback from your customers because people’s perception is shifting in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and a host of other factors. There are many different ways you can use feedback, […]

The Innovation Cycle: How Video Games Can Improve Your Marketing

video games

When you think about lead generation and running a campaign, it’s a lot like playing a video game. If you have ever played Super Mario Bros (or any of thousands of other games), you know that not everyone clears a level or beats the boss on the first try. Sometimes…okay, maybe most of the time […]
